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Hamlet on SL Production Blog » Blog Archive

Tuesday’s Show by kayden

Hey everyone.  Tuesday’s show was definitely an adventure.  The bells tolled, I started to move, and my virtual world crashed around me.  All the world may be a stage, but this player was unable to see it.  After cursing (in very good iambic pentameter, by the way), I found it difficult to get back quickly, with the somewhat capricious gods of second life bent on delaying my return.  You all covered like veterans, and I ruthed my way back.  All my carefully loaded gestures were again hidden in my inventory, but I did manage to pull up the generic speech gestures and carried on.  Then I managed to shoot my way across the stage, taking front and center like an irritating overzealous understudy.  I did click the bench but found my avie sitting in Joff’s spot.  Finding the right spot was a challenge, with my flowing robes chunking across the bench.  Once I found the bench, I vowed to stay there, deciding that caution will always trump valor in this somewhat precarious virtual world.  After that, all I needed do was speak the speech, which was a relief.

This been a truly remarkable experience, and the opportunity to work with all of you talented people has been incredible.  We are truly pioneers in this art form, and the challenges that confront us are manageable.  Mostly.  My biggest concern now is that the distractions like movement, lag, gestures and the inherent fragility of the network that connects us — all of this keeps us from concentrating on the words.  I know, in many cases, I’m just saying the words — while trying to find the right keystroke, fumbling with the mouse, watching my avie walk into pillars, and remembering to talk four words into the last speech.

Yet, I would do this again.  And again.  It is a brave new world. 


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